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Body Measurements List

Here is a complete list of all body measurements provided by the sizeez API.

Neck Girth

Name in API responseneck_girth
DefinitionGirth of the neck at a point just below the bulge at the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple) and measured perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the neck
SourceISO 8559-1
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Chest Girth

Name in API responsebust_girth
DefinitionHorizontal girth measured at bust point level
SourceISO 8559-1
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Waist Girth

Name in API responsewaist_girth
DefinitionHorizontal girth of the body measured at the waist level
SourceISO 8559-1
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Maximum Hip Girth

Name in API responsehip_girth
DefinitionMaximum horizontal girth of the body below the hip level
SourceISO 8559-1
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Upper Arm Girth

Name in API responseupperarm_girth
DefinitionGirth of the upper arm measured midway between the shoulder point and elbow point
SourceISO 8559-1
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Elbow Girth

Name in API responseelbow_girth
DefinitionGirth of the arm at the elbow point
SourceISO 8559-1
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Wrist Girth

Name in API responsewrist_girth
DefinitionGirth of the wrist at the level of wrist point
SourceISO 8559-1
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Thigh Girth

Name in API responsethigh_girth
DefinitionMaximum horizontal girth of the thigh below the glutcal fold
SourceISO 8559-1
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Calf Girth

Name in API responsecalf_girth
DefinitionMaximum horizontal girth of the calf
SourceISO 8559-1
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Ankle Girth

Name in API responseankle_girth
DefinitionHorizontal girth of the leg measured at the level of the outer ankle point
SourceISO 8559-1
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Across Back Shoulder Width

Name in API responseacross_back_shoulder_width
DefinitionDistance from the left shoulder point, through the back neck point to the right shoulder point
SourceISO 8559-1
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Shoulder Length

Name in API responseshoulder_length
DefinitionDistance from the side neck point to the shoulder point
SourceISO 8559-1
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Torso Height

Name in API responsetorso_height
DefinitionVertical distance from back neck point to the inside leg level
SourceISO 8559-1
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Upper Arm Length

Name in API responseupperarm_length
DefinitionDistance from the shoulder point to the elbow point (shoulder to elbow, elbow bent)
SourceISO 8559-1
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Lower Arm Length

Name in API responselowerarm_length
DefinitionDistance from the elbow point to the wrist point (elbow to wrist, elbow bent)
SourceISO 8559-1
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Arm Length

Name in API responsearm_length
DefinitionSum of the Upper Arm Length and the Lower Arm Length
SourceISO 8559-1


Name in API responseinside_leg_height
DefinitionVertical distance from the inside leg level to the ground
SourceISO 8559-1
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